Corporate Information

Quay Property Management Ltd.

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Nine Oaks Body Corporate Rules: February 2024

Amendments to the Unit Titles Act 2010: What this means for owners

Body Corporate Levies 

The Body Corporate levy is split into three payments over the financial year.   

Water Invoices     

Water meters are read regularly throughout the year and invoiced shorty after. 

Storage Shed Hire (Page 7, Section 26)

If you need storage space we've got 34 sheds for hire..... To check availability and secure a shed contact [email protected] 

The contract to rent a Storage Shed is between the Body Corporate and the Owner of the Townhouse. 

Air Conditioning Units 

Consent must be sought prior to installing.      

The Body Corporate does not have a preferred installer but we do require:

  • Heat pumps are installed by a qualified Tradesperson;
  • Meet the relevant codes; and 
  • The external unit must be installed in the carport  

Example of unit in carport.

Img 2390

Waste Collection - Rubbish/Recycling/Glass and Food Scraps

  • Rubbish collection from outside each townhouse in your new bins! Black bags will be NOT accepted.        

    • On collection day Units 1 to 32 should place bins at the carport side of each townhouse

    • Units 33 to 48 must place bins at the courtyard side of each townhouse

  • Waste Collection is fortnightly for Rubbish, Recycling and Glass and weekly for Food Scraps  

  • EnviroWaste trucks will be moving throughout the complex so everyone will need to ensure driveways are clear

Parking: (page 2 - section 5)

Residents should park in the carport and/or courtyard.

Visitors to Nine Oaks must park in the designated visitors car parks.  

If you have multiple vehicles they should be parked outside the complex.

The Body Corporate does not take any responsibility for vehicles being removed from the complex if they are illegally parked.



Although we live in a gated complex - roads rules comply.   

Staying to the spend limit.  Stopping at stop signs.

Parents are responsible for their children playing on the road.

Always drive in the directions of the arrows.

Beware of young children playing.

Remember 10 km within the complex.

Img 1949

Remember to stop at the stop sign 

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Please note: 

Parents need to supervise their children in and around the common road area’s … due to some residents not adhering to the speed limit.

Speed bumps: motorbike parking: no entry markings: 10 km speed sign...
To comply with road rules and regulations… plus Body Corporate health and safety requirements: speed bumps now installed.
As residence we are all obliged to adhere and drive safely within the complex.

Img 6974

speed bumps

Img 6975

motorbike parking

Img 6973

no entry

Img 6972

speed limited

Animals / Pets: (page 5 section 18)

Quay Properties must be advised of any dogs living within the complex  .....All dogs onsite must be on a leash. 

Letter box keys and locks:

Quay Properties do not hold replacement keys nor locks to the letter boxes.  

Internal keypad phone .. faults:

 If you are having a problem with your internal keypad phone. 

If it is found to be a fault with the keypad (at the gate) the cost will be covered by the Body Corp.

If however the fault is with the phone within the unit … this is the responsibility and cost of the property owner.


Noise in Nine Oaks: (page 5 - section 17)

  • Keep the volume on your TV/Stereo/Phone turned down. Chances are if you have your TV/Stereo/Phone up loud and your slider open your surrounding neighbours will be able to hear as well.     
  • This goes for loud voices too! 
  • Shut your windows and sliders to stop music noise travelling 
  • Make sure the bass on your stereo is turned down
  • If you want to party then do that in your own head and use headphones. 
  • Keep those car stereos low when on the driveways

A common belief is that you can play loud music before 10pm but that is incorrect - no loud music at anytime of the day or night.  Enjoyment of your property at any time is your fundamental right as part of a body corporate, the body corporate rules are there to help make sure this right is respected.  Remember there are a greater number of residents working from home at all hours of the day and night. Please be considerate of others especially when their work hours are not the same as yours.



Nine Oaks